Hey, I’m getting some blank Objects in Memory Profiler, Anyone knows about this or any idea how to identify those objects?
These textures don’t have any references pointing to them anymore so I’d assume they’ll get unloaded by the next Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets call (or a destructive, i.e. non-additive scene load).
I’m not sure what would be a good way to identify them, other than maybe to catch them in an earlier snapshot while they still have a name and references to them and then identifying them in the diff view or by their instance id and/or address?
Also, in case you where taking Snapshots of Playmode or the Editor, these could have been the preview screenshots used by the Memory Profiler, or textures used by the Memory Map. See this post for more context.
FYI, the fix for this has just landed with the release of com.unity.memoryprofiler@0.2.6-preview.1 .
If you create any Texture2D objects without naming them, they will still appear without name in the snapshot though.
Negativ instances ID = it isn’t an asset so it was created at runtime.
If you are using any plugins dealing with textures or effects that you don’t have source code to, try disabling them. Besides that, use your IDE to find all instances of where you are creating a new Texture2D and there also give it a name.
Hopefully that helps provide context info for this
We are also facing issue to figure out what that mean NoName Memory allocation and it is gradually increasing. I have took this snapshot from android development mode. In iOS it finally crashes the APP.
Specifically Graphics > <No Name> > <No Name>
should usually be the same as Rendering::GfxDeviceClient, i.e. a graphics buffer allocated for usage by the Gfx Device Driver (OpenGL, Vulkan, Dx11, …) or returned to it’s pool after usage. We currently have situation where we might not “properly” set the device driver as the root for these allocations resulting in the “No Name” objects. We’re in the process of fixing that, but if you’re on 2022, I expect that’s the case and that means it won’t actually tell you much more about these. (If you are pre 2022 or latest patch versions it might also be some RenderTextures or CubemapArrays)
You might have to use XCode Instruments to analyze this deeper
Hey, Have you solved this problem?
Is this issue solved in Unity 2023? I am on 2022.3.35f1 and having this same issue. Platforms Windows and PS5. Attaching a screenshot of the memory snapshot.
We fixed it on 6000.0.0b16 and backported it to 2022 where it landed on 2022.3.44f1, so you’ll need to update to at least that AND use the Memory Profiler at package version 1.1.1 or newer.