No option to capture play mode?

Using 2019.4.24f1 and Profiler v0.2.9-preview.3.

I’m trying to do a capture with the game running in play-mode in the editor. There is no option to assign the capture target to “Play Mode” like it says you should be able to do in the documentation.

Is there actually a way to do this without having to build a player first and connect to that?

Thanks for highlighting the outdated documentation. We originally altered the capture button label to “Capture Editor” or Capture Playmode", based on whether or not Playmode was active. It just captures the entire Editor anyways though, as the memory state can’t be separated anyways. So we removed that rename to avoid people thinking that it would do something similar to capturing Playmode timings as the Profiler does.

So you can capture memory usage in the Editor, also when in Playmode. Just be aware that it’ll contain editor memory usage and some memory usage and behavior in Playmode will differ quite significantly from the way it would be in a built Player on your target platform.

We’ll get that documentation addressed in an upcoming release

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Thanks for the clarification.