No overload for method 'move' takes 0 arguments

So, im trying to make the movement for my game based on tapping the keys and not holding them, it works in touch screen when the code has if(input.GetAxisRaw(Horizontal));
However, on computers, i can hold to move left and right, but the jumping sequence is tap based. I then tried to mimic the jump code which is:


//and then it was defined with:

public void Jump()
			myBody.velocity += jumpVelocity * Vector2.up;

I tried to mimic this with a “move” function, but i got the error “No overload for method ‘move’ takes 0 arguments”

Here is the full code(which comes up with the error, of course), hopefully someone has a solution. Thank you!

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
	public float speed = 10, jumpVelocity = 10;
	public LayerMask playerMask;
	public bool canMoveInAir = true;
	Transform myTrans, tagGround;
	Rigidbody2D myBody;
	bool isGrounded = false;

	void Start ()
		//  myBody = this.rigidbody2D;//Unity 4.6-
		myBody = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();//Unity 5+
		myTrans = this.transform;
		tagGround = GameObject.Find ( + "/tag_ground").transform;

	void FixedUpdate ()
		isGrounded = Physics2D.Linecast (myTrans.position, tagGround.position, playerMask);


	public void Move(float horizonalInput)
		if(!canMoveInAir && !isGrounded)

		Vector2 moveVel = myBody.velocity;
		moveVel.x = horizonalInput * speed;
		myBody.velocity = moveVel;

	public void Jump()
			myBody.velocity += jumpVelocity * Vector2.up;

What’s going on is that the Move method needs a float parameter (horizontalInput)

I’m not sure what the “move” button is set to, If you want the player to just move x units left or right when a key is tapped, you can have something like:


If I haven’t messed the code up, I think that should work. I haven’t tested it though.

I hope this helped!