no placeable prefab?

I’ve been following this tutorial to learn how to place objects in ar:

But I’ve come across a problem.

From video:

My project:

For some reason I don’t have the Placeable Prefab section in my SpawnObjectOnPlace(Script).

I just started Unity perhaps a week ago and I know practically nothing about coding, I just tried following the video step-by-step so if I’m blinding on something that’s my bad.

Just in case here’s the code I copied from the video. Any kind of help is much appreciated!

Make the placeablePrefab property public rather than private.

Thank you for the reply but the Placeable Prefab is still not visible.

I rewrote the code just to be safe, is there anything else I could do?


And now I’m also getting these errors, any idea why?

you are missing the Monobehavior word?

public class SpawnObjectOnPlane : MonoBehaviour

you can’t use Awake(), update(), etc. without the MonoBehaviour word