No playmaker support for unity 5 and webgl export ? what a pity !!!

So it seems that AudioClip.GetData will not work with WebGL either, so Easy Save 2 will likely need to change to work with WebGL as well.

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Hi Josh,

I submitted a minimal Playmaker project that I still couldn’t get to compile: 646180
I got a bunch of python errors that sounding familiar from the forums, so maybe it’s a local setup problem.
I’ll search the forums… but let me know if you’re able to build that project on your end…



Your test project built without a problem for me using WebGL. II’ve tried with the latest code that is in 5.0b13 (yet to be released) and with 5.0b11. So this might point to a specific problem on your machine. Can you build an empty project for WebGL? Thanks.

Nope, it fails on an empty project. It hangs on Compiling Scripts… It seems to hang the whole system and I have to reboot.
I tried deleting “.emscripten_cache” as suggested in another thread, but that didn’t help.
I’ve installed many of the 5.0 betas, and have been able to build before…
What else can I try?

(Good to know that the Playmaker project builds for you!)

I got WebGL builds working. I completely uninstalled all previous betas and re-installed the latest version and it now works. I’ll let you know if I run into any other issues…

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Okay, thank you all! Hopefully the Unity update gets released soon :slight_smile: Although I’m trying with NACLnow.

EDIT. I tried to import the Playmaker NACL into the project but the Unity Editor Stopped Working. I have submitted a bug/ the same project again for this- case: 646754

In addition, since installing the NACL dll, whenever I load my project I can no longer edit Playmaker FSMs and even without the project running I get an infinite series of errors. See attached screen shot.

The only way I’ve found to prevent the continuous loop of errors is to re-import the playmaker defualt package.

Please submit a bug: Main Menu > Playmaker > Tools > Submit Bug Report
This will give us more info on your setup.
Please copy paste any other errors in your console.

EDIT: Also please start a thread in the Playmaker Beta Group. Thanks!

I sent a bunch of emails to the Playmaker Beta test group and reported the bug. I tried a few different ways to build wedGL and I get errors at every turn :frowning: I attached the latest editor log to the last email but I have attached here too …

1851425–118726– (56.6 KB)

Just to update this thread, it looks like the problem is with addons that are not Unity 5 compatible yet. We’re working on making all official addons compatible with Unity 5 asap. Third party addons will need to be updated by their authors (but feel free to post on the Playmaker forums so we can help).

NOTE: If you make addons for Playmaker please PM me for access to the Playmaker Beta to test Unity 5 compatibility.