No plugin effects category in the Audio section of the Asset store.

Hi, as the title suggests, why no asset tab for FX plugins. If you want us to take native(or c#) plugins seriously then please provide a point of presence on the store.

I would also like to see this happen. Are you aware of any native audio plugins on the Asset Store yet? Could be that they are just waiting for enough to be published to justify adding a dedicated audio plugin section.

Here’s one: Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making

I believe Gregzo also wrote some for G-Audio and I think there are others as well. I don’t all the ones I’ve seen are C# though, not native code.

Phew, I’m not alone in this line of thinking then, thanks for replying.

I’ve made some unusual and popular plugins over the years and I would like to added them to the asset collection on the store, but there’s no shop front for them to go in! :frowning:

They do all this work integrating native audio into Unity and completely forget the store.:eyes:

If you get them live, do send us word where to find them. Master Audio users ask us pretty often where to find audio plugins like this :slight_smile:

Hey OK. :slight_smile:
Please Unity - audio plug-ins don’t go in ‘Scripting’! That’s just laziness. Give the main audio store some more sub categories, please! And no, I’m not putting them in ‘other’:slight_smile:

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