My app uses subscriptions and recently we are trying to offer free promos. In the manage subscription settings of my iPhone, it does show that my test promo of 3 days was accepted. When I look through the products in the store controller through xCode, none of them have receipts so I don’t find any subscriptions. Where can I find if the user has a free promo subscription? Here is my code for checking for subscriptions:
public void CheckPurchases()
MyDebug("Checking for purchases");
if (!IsInitialized())
MyDebug("Not initialized");
Dictionary<string, string> dict = m_AppleExtensions.GetIntroductoryPriceDictionary();
bool foundItem = false;
bool foundMonthly = false;
bool foundAnnual = false;
foreach (UnityEngine.Purchasing.Product item in m_StoreController.products.all)
MyDebug("Found an item in intialization");
if (item.receipt != null)
string intro_json = (dict == null || !dict.ContainsKey(item.definition.storeSpecificId)) ? null : dict[item.definition.storeSpecificId];
MyDebug("Item type: " + item.definition.type);
if (item.definition.type == ProductType.Subscription)
SubscriptionManager p = new SubscriptionManager(item, intro_json);
SubscriptionInfo info = p.getSubscriptionInfo();
MyDebug("Info subbed: " + info.isSubscribed());
if(info.isSubscribed() == Result.True)
foundItem = true;
if(info.getProductId().ToString() == MONTHLY_SUB_ANDROID || info.getProductId().ToString() == MONTHLY_SUB_APPLE)
foundMonthly = true;
} else if (info.getProductId().ToString() == ANNUAL_SUB_ANDROID || info.getProductId().ToString() == ANNUAL_SUB_APPLE)
foundAnnual = true;
MyDebug("SubInfo: " + info.getProductId().ToString());
MyDebug("isSubscribed: " + info.isSubscribed().ToString());
MyDebug("isFreeTrial: " + info.isFreeTrial().ToString());
MyDebug("timeLeft: " + info.getRemainingTime().ToString());
} else {
MyDebug("Item receipt is null");
if (foundItem)
StateManager.instance.PlayerData.ownGame = true;
StateManager.instance.gameLocked = false;
StateManager.instance.PlayerData.monthly = true;
MyDebug("Found a monthly");
} else if (foundAnnual) {
StateManager.instance.PlayerData.monthly = false;
MyDebug("Found an annual");
} else {
MyDebug("Didn't find monthly or annual");
} else {
StateManager.instance.PlayerData.ownGame = false;
StateManager.instance.gameLocked = true;
MyDebug("Found no subscriptions");