No SFX on Standalone builds, but fine in editor

I’m working in a project with a bunch of activities. I added music to each scene and SFX to some action (destroy objects, touch things, etc). All work fine in the editor, but when i build the “game”, the music work fine but the SFX’s… just don’t sound.

Tried with 2D or 3D sound, from AudioSource or loading the clip from C#. Tried with PlayOneShot, PlayClipAtPoint, load in memory and just play, but no luck… right now i just don’t know what i’m doing wrong

Current code:

if (other.tag == "Enemy")
			GM.puntaje += 1;
			//AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(Choco, Camera.main.transform.position);

Any idea of what could be the problem? Working on Unity3D 4.1.2f1

What are you output logs saying? Maybe you have an external script changing your listeners volume or an error is causing a bug. Best to test the game in developer mode and see whats happening. Also try a webplayer build and check your global audio settings for the project.

Thanks for the answer, Ben
Found out the reason, i had a duplicated script with the same name (j and c#) that conflicted with the actions when compiled. Happen in any build, webplayer, exe, android… Deleted the J script and all fixed.