No Shadows present when switching build mode to Android

I’ve started a new project in Unity, and set up a simple scene. The shadows work fine.

However, when I switch the platform to Android, all the shadows disappear, like they’ve been turned off.

Things I’ve checked/done:

  • Increased the shadow distance for Android in Quality Settings. No effect.
  • Changed Graphics Emulation to No Emulation. No effect.
  • Checked that all Lights and Objects are casting and receiving shadows.
  • Switching back to PC platform shows shadows. Switching back to Android has no effect.
  • Tried building and running the project on Android, shadows are still not present.

I am starting to wonder if this is a bug. Is there anything else that I have not tried that could be the cause?

Have you tried both deferred and forward rendering?

Also, keep in mind that realtime shadows are expensive on mobile.

So, in the end I just exported everything into a blank new project, and shadows seem to appearing.

No idea what the problem was, so I’d guess this was done down to some sort of bug?