No solution to fbx or blend files being updated from Blender

Hi guys I have seen this question asked so many times yet there doesn’t seem to be a solution and it is really causing a lot of time wasting. I am making a room in Blender, every change I make I have to delete the prefab, pull it back onto the scene, replace back in it’s position and re-add colliders etc.

I have tried:

  • Exporting the FBX directly to the assets folder.
  • Using the .blend file instead, saving directly to the assets folder from Blender
  • Reimporting

Nothing seems to work. Is there any solution to this or is it always going to be this way :smile:

I assume you create a regular Prefab based on the Model Prefab. This means there is no link between the model and the Prefab. Have you tried creating a Prefab Variant from your model instead?

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Hi thanks for the reply! I create the room in Blender, export as fbx from Blender overwriting the fbx in the assets folder. The first time, I drag it from the assets folder onto the scene and it is already a prefab. After that when I overwrite the fbx in the assets folder with changes, Unity reloads (Loading window pops up), but no changes are shown.

If I select reimport, it does not import or update. I will check out your link thanks for the quick reply!