I just switched over to 0.8.0-preview and it seems that the “No translation found format” setting is being ignored. I get the default “No translation found for ‘’” string instead and the scripts fail so the rest of the scene doesn’t render as intended. I had set it to {0} which worked in 0.7.1 by simply using the as text when no translation was found.
I also get the following error:
A scripted object (probably UnityEngine.Localization.Settings.LocalizationSettings?) has a different serialization layout when loading. (Read 292 bytes but expected 2700 bytes). Based on the release notes this was fixed, but I don’t know why it continues to show up in my build.
Could you please file a bug report for the 2 issues?
The Serialization issue is a bug in Unity which should be fixed in an upcoming patch. We added a workaround although it doesnt seem to be working for you
I tried it with a fresh unity project and it worked as advertised. I tried reimporting everything edit: in my actual project and it still won’t work. Would you recommend I delete all my tables (I have pushed a copy to sheets), remove the package completely and then reinstall? I’m not sure if that would make my existing Localize String Event objects lose their reference (they would?). Anything else I can try?
I disabled assembly stripping and it worked as expected. I set it to medium and it crashed. Do you still want me to file a bug report with assembly stripping turned on? Thank you for the amazing package btw and all your help so far. Happy to file a bug report if necessary!