I’m trying to localize my UI, but the example on the QuickStart mentions Raw Image, and when I try to manually set the LocalizeTextureEvent, and drop the GameObject with the Image component, I can’t seem to find which options works.
I’m trying to localize my UI, but the example on the QuickStart mentions Raw Image, and when I try to manually set the LocalizeTextureEvent, and drop the GameObject with the Image component, I can’t seem to find which options works.
Is it a Sprite or a Raw Image? We have not added an option to Sprites yet but it should be simple to add. If thats what you need I can provide some code
I believe its a Sprite? Here’s a screenshot.
Trying to localize the Source Image
Add this script
using System;
using UnityEngine.Events;
namespace UnityEngine.Localization.Components
public class UnityEventSprite : UnityEvent<Sprite> {}
[AddComponentMenu("Localization/Asset/Localize Sprite Event")]
public class LocalizeSpriteEvent : LocalizedAssetEvent<Sprite, LocalizedSprite, UnityEventSprite>
If you want an editor option to set up the component then add this to an editor script
static void LocalizeUIImage(MenuCommand command)
var target = command.context as Image;
var comp = Undo.AddComponent(target.gameObject, typeof(LocalizeSpriteEvent)) as LocalizeSpriteEvent;
var setTextureMethod = target.GetType().GetProperty("overrideSprite").GetSetMethod();
var methodDelegate = System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(UnityAction<Sprite>), target, setTextureMethod) as UnityAction<Sprite>;
Events.UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(comp.OnUpdateAsset, methodDelegate);
Ill make sure we have this supported natively in the next release.
Worked like a charm!!! Thanks!!