No way to preview audio to sync animation

It would be great to see Timeline’s audio clip preview inside the Animation timeline. We could move past animation events for audioclips and sync up longer audio clips perfectly with animation.

Hi haywirepheonix,
Thank you for your feedback! I have moved your feedback to our internal product board and will be triaged by Product Management.


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Audio Scrubbing is broken in 2019.4.40f1 and Timeline 1.7.1.
I don’t hear absolute anything while moving the cursor in the Audio Track.

An other issue with Timeline, OnAnimatorMove is not called during timeline driven animations when track objects are binded through script. If i set Animator.applyRootMotion = true during Timeline it also get ignored. So no rootmotion and characters slide on place.
The bug happens only when binding playable director objects at runtime, if the animator object is directly reference in the scene, OnAnimatorMove gets called normally.