[Non Commercial] [RevShare] Looking for an experienced programmer

Hey, I’m looking for experienced programmers for revShare (not paid) projects: 2-4 months Android games.

  • I require released games / projects.
  • The VCS will be Unity Version Control (old name: Plastic SCM).
  • I’ll write other specs once we get in touch.

I define myself as an experienced programmer (with a lesser skill of releasing games) and a go-getter; and I’m looking for people alike.

My portfolio: https://adamstepinski.com/.

If you’re interested, reply to this thread pls.

Hi, would love to get in contact with you, I’m not a gamedev but have been working as a professional fullstack/devops engineer for about 6 years. Please write me on discord, where we can find out if we a collaboration could work out :smiley:
discord: bene_99_45863

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