Non-Programmers need help with Animated Beretta Arms

So me and my buddy are total newbies at Unity, we just want to make something simple for now. We bought animated Beretta arms from the asset store (called Animated Arms and Guns, it’s 30$ and high in the ratings category). We basically put it in with our first person camera, it appears how we want it, but it just cycles through ten animations. I have previous basic scripting experience in Lua, so I looked through the files and saw some bullet files, I just don’t know how to use them, I can’t find the scripts to control the animations. Are they even there? If not, send a script please? (In Javascript/Unityscript preferably)

We are looking to learn programming soon, but we just want to get this done, so any help would be much appreciated.

See we use Animation.Play to play an animation. And Animation.PlayQueued to play one action after another.
Here is an example:

Start ()



Update ()
if(Input.GetButtonDown(“Player1”) )



else if(Input.GetButtonUp("Player1"))

Yes so what does this do
You have a player called player1
As soon as the game starts his idle animation plays.
(You can also use Animation.Play)
Then when the Player1 button is pressed the aim animation will be played…(You need to add it in Edit-Project settings- Input and then change name of one of them to Player1 and set the positive button the positive button will be used)

And when the button Player1 is released the fire animation is played.

Note : Animation names will differ according to character.
Hope this helped :slight_smile: