non programming skills !

Hello every one …
We have our team for game / animation creation,
and my question here … is there any kind of books or something like to get scripts from scratch to create games ?

and is it possible to list what our game should be then some one who is offecially or someone who able to do programming side to offer the scripts like to be custom work ?

i’m not programmer my self …
but i would really make something just like the RPG game i download from Unity website !

so hows possible all the above please … ?

p.s: if it’s about have to learn something i would stay 24 hours to read and do !


Tonio’s basic tutorials covering Javascript on the Wiki are a good place to start if you don’t know JS at all …

Otherwise there are a number of websites such as the W3C Schools site that teach you some of the very basics as well. This topic has been covered on the forums here before in some detail.

Thanks a lot will check now

You can post in the Collaboration forum if you want to hire someone to do programming for you. Also, Unity Technologies has paid tech support.


yeah … i really believe to be or not to be

i have so many people here asking me to create 3d games to be play on web or pc , and i don;t have Mac. so i would prefere to get some one or some guys from here who can help me to create 1st game , then i can buy Mac. my self and do more games with you guys !

it’s my living income to do such good graphic projects having over 1000 to 3000 Visitors per day my websites !

so you can imagine what kind of trust peopl do for my team.

i really can’t wait to be Unity user !
i will keep pray to buy a full license


i’d prefer to pay for Unity company for any scripting help for who can help also for sure …

but any possible just to start anything every very simple game using online help or documentation comes with the engine ?

i mean even simple game then go forward to develop it ask guys in forum and Unity staff !


Sure, Unity comes with very good reference documentation (which you really start to appreciate when you compare it to most other documentation of this type). There’s also lots of stuff on Unify Community.


Just wonderful community …

Thanks again and so much