I’ve got a pause menu in my game which was working perfectly until today. It now appears to be invisible even though it’s active in the hierachy. I found this error on the pause menu’s game object but i cant make any sense of it.
The only things i did today was to change the Canvas’s render mode from screen space - overlay to screen space - camera, and to make the camera look at the player.
I’m sure its something simple that’s staring right in the face, I hope someone can help.
Solo desactiva todos los canvas después del principal.
[Eng]-Disable all the “canvas”, after the main “canvas”.
Después crea un código que al iniciar el juego active el primer canvas.
[Eng]- Then create a code, that activates the first “canvas”.
using UnityEngine;
public class MenuStart : MonoBehaviour
public Transform Capa; //Canvas to enable
void Start ()
Aplica el código y arrastras el primer canvas a ’ capa ’ para que se active.
[Eng]- Apply the code and drag the first “canvas” to “capa” to be activated.