[Noob] Collision Trigger in Player or Coin ?


I’m starting with unity and i have some questions.

Is it better to check for collision in Player or in prefabs Coin ? (The player can catch coins.)

Player :

    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D obj)
        switch (obj.tag) {
        case "Coin":

Coin :

void OnTriggerEnter2D()

And in the seconde case it increases score by 2. I guess because it takes both player and Coin but is there a mean to trigger this script only once when collision ?
(Edit : Ok for this one, I thaught that unthicking a script would desactivate it :slight_smile: )

Is it bad for performance to let empty functions like : update{ } ?

Is there a mean to show errors in MonoDevelop ?

Why when a block is quite fast, it can pass through other rigid blocks ?

Thanks !
Have a nice day !

Because physics updates happen in steps rather than continuously like in real life.

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Yes, you can use Physics2D.changeStopsCallbacks to control this.

Use Rigidbody2D.collisionDetectionMode set to continuous for fast moving objects. This is more expensive but guarantees that objects won’t pass through each other.

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Thanks for your replies, any idea for the other questions ? :slight_smile:

The first question
“Is it bad for performance to let empty functions like : update{ } ?”