Noob here :)

Hi all :slight_smile:
1st of all im new at scripting watched some videos but im still sh’t.
I’m making a mobile game,
In short, I need to make a character (in the shape of a circle that can move in any direction on the screen)

Around the figure there is some sharp object ( spike ) that is always rotating. And you can shoot it 3 times. And after that its charged after a few seconds.
Anyone have any idea how I do this?
Sry for bad English :stuck_out_tongue:
&Ty for help :slight_smile:

Some1 ? :frowning:

No one.

Honestly, you wrote a whole list of features. But I’m not sure if you are trying to ask how do you do all of it or just some of it?

What part do you need help with? I doubt anybody is going to tell you how to do it all and write code for it and such. Your best bet is to start writing code and then come back when you get stuck.

Break down what you want to accomplish into task so it’s less complicated and easier to manage as you learn. It will also make it easier to ask questions.

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You are right.
can you tell me pls how i create by code object ( spike ) that is always rotating. And you can shoot it ?

Sure, design your spike in the scene.
Create a prefab of it.
Instantiate the prefab so it creates a clone in the scene.
Use a tweening engine or lerp to rotate it in Update or a coroutine.
Add a collider to it that can handle being hit by something.
Create a script to handle spike health.

Hopefully this helps you to understand it’s not a simple, just do this and it’s done. You have to design and plan stuff out, which is why I said, try it yourself and come back as you get stuck.

Start with the basics:

Or if you have a lot of time on your hands to really get into the nitty-gritty: