The following Code is part of my Tiling Script, “randomgameobject” is a list of prefabs. Now my problem: When one of my prefabs has a parent with childs, I get the error: There is no Renderer attached to “parent within the prefab” gameobject. Any suggestions?
My Script:
GameObject randomgameobject = Platforms [Random.Range (0, Platforms.Length)];
// First find a center for your bounds.
Vector3 center = Vector3.zero;
foreach (Transform child in randomgameobject.transform)
center += child.gameObject.renderer.bounds.center;
center /= randomgameobject.transform.childCount; //center is average center of children
//Now you have a center, calculate the bounds by creating a zero sized 'Bounds',
Bounds bounds = new Bounds(center,Vector3.zero);
foreach (Transform child in randomgameobject.transform)
float size = bounds.size.x;