Noob Question. Apologies.

I’m really new to Unity. I was able to get this piece of code working:

//Get orbs in level
    void Start()
        orbsInLevel = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Orb").Length;

Is it possible to find the number of orbs that are in the entire project instead of just one scene?

Sorry I misread earlier.

When you use “Find” function, it will check all the elements in the active scenes. The ones in your hierarchy.

If you NEED to find the GameObjects from all the scenes at once, you’ll have to open them at the same time using “Open Scene Additive”.

You might not want to do that tho because it will superpose your all scenes at once.

Cross-scene reference are tricky to manage with Unity so I’d recommend you to do without if you’re new.

You can find more information here : Unity - Manual: Work with multiple scenes in Unity
and here too :

You can make an editor script that will load each scene and count them if that’s necessary. It’s a bit daft to do it at runtime though, need to have a valid reason for that.