noob question - debug.log


I’m trying to display the xyz coordinates of an object that I can move to the console

Here’s my code

var speed = 5.0;

function Update ()	{
	var x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * Time.deltaTime * speed;
	var z = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") * Time.deltaTime * speed;
	transform.Translate (x, 0, z);
	Debug.Log (x, 0, z);

What am i doing wrong? Thanks much!

Debug.Log requires to get a string.

So in this case

Debug.Log( "(" + x + ",0," + z +")" );

ahh. the old string thing.

This seems to display the x,y and z coordinates but it doesn’t display the true current position of the game object. I think it is because of how the var X and var Z is defined (TimeDeltaTime * speed).

If I just wanted to display the current x y and z values of an object, how would I do this?


figured it out…


thanks for the help too dreamora!
