Noob question

Hey, so I just got started with subscenes in ECS and I’m running into a small problem; the subscene does not respond to environment lighting. The contents of the master scene DO respond to environment lighting. The environment lighting source is the Skybox.

Is this only happening in edit mode ?

Both in edit mode as well as in play mode. It always gets darker.
Here’s when it happens:

  • When the subscene is unloaded in edit mode.
  • During play mode all of the subscene’s contents are darker in the game view(through the camera), but not in the scene view

One more question besides that: Do you know if there is a way to share lighting settings between subscenes?

Hello to everyone. I am having the same issue. Is there anything you have discovered? Please, let me know. Thank you.

You need the Hybrid Renderer to enable rendering in a subscene.

Still really limited feature-wise but it’s getting somewhere.

Thank you!