Norma lmaps on a lightmapped material

Hey Gang,

I’m working with characters that have both light maps and normal maps. When I view the scene with built in lighting I see the normal maps, but when I view the scene with built in lighting off the normal maps disappear and when I do a build the normal maps don’t show.

Do lightmaps and normal maps cancel each other out when there are very few lights in the scene?

I just upgraded to Unity 2.5. Is this a bug?

Thanks in advance for your help,


Not sure I understood, but you need actual lighting for normal maps to have any effect. A lightmap isn’t going to do anything; it’s just a texture.


Sorry for the confusion. Since my normal map was only 256 x256 texture the detail was hard to notice and since I had no lights near the character the normals didn’t show at all. Thanks for setting me straight on light maps Eric.

It’s fixed now. Live and learn.
