Normal monobehavior physics not working anymore

Hello, im currently learning the new ECS and Unity DOTS physics. But normal MonoBehaviour physics semmed to have stopped working? (MonoBehaviour cubes not fallong etc).

Is there something om missing?

Thanks in advance for any help! its much appreciated.

@mathmoe64 : Can you specify exactly how your scene is setup?
As an example, if you have a subscene with a Rigidbody and use the Unity Physics package, and also have a Rigidbody in your root scene, then both Rigidbodies will fall against gravity, only that the one in the subscene is simulated with Unity Physics and the one in the root scene is simulated with the built-in PhysX physics engine.

Note that if you “open” the subscene to edit it, the PhysX simulation will be temporarily disabled since otherwise there would be a data clash between both engines. So, if you play while in an open subscene, your PhysX simulation will be suspended while the Unity Physics simulation will behave as usual. After you have completed your edits and you “close” the subscene again, the PhysX simulation will be reactivated and both engines can again function side by side.

I hope this clarifies what you might be seeing.