Not A Member of UnityEngine.Score

Amongst other things, I am trying to get a handle on static typing and #pragma strict. This script worked in my Web Player version with no errors, Errors in IOS version though. So I suspected it was my use of dynamic typing. Or more accurately my lack of using #pragma strict. I get the following error; Assets/Scripts/NextLevel.js(9,70): BCE0019: ‘score’ is not a member of ‘UnityEngine.Score’. This is on the code just below.

static var nextLevel :String;
var customSkin :GUISkin;

function OnGUI()
{ = customSkin;
	GUI.BeginGroup(Rect(Screen.width / 10, Screen.height / 2.5, 200, 200));
	GUI.Box(Rect(0,0, 200,200), "Round Over");
	GUI.Label(Rect(40,40,200,50), "Your total score is " + Score.score.ToString());
	if(GUI.Button(Rect(50,80,100,50), nextLevel))
	if(GUI.Button(Rect(50,140, 100,50), "Quit"))

Here is my associated Score script’:

static var score :int;
static var lastScore :int;

var customSkin :GUISkin;

function OnGUI ()
{ = customSkin;
	GUI.Label(Rect(10,10, 100, 60), "Score: " + score.ToString());
	GUI.Label(Rect(10,60,100,60),"Last Score: " + lastScore.ToString());

Can someone please tell how I can correct this problem? I may be wrong in approaching it as a static typing problem but have no idea how to fix it.

Thanks a googol…

What Unity version do you use? AFAIK they added their own Score class (UnityEngine.Score) which seems to confuse the compiler since you have two Score classes. Try to rename your Score class to something else.

btw, this makes no sense:

static var : String = score;
static var int :score;

Variable declarations in UnityScript always have the form:

[public/private/protected] [static] var VarName [: Type] [= InitValue];

The order of those elements can’t be changed.