I am getting a very strange error while building for android, i have face this error after converting Scripting back-end to “IL2CPP”
Error Snap :
Editor.Log : https://gist.github.com/kartik-escavel/5b3e9ab8e486627f4878a70fc325e455
I have separated the exception from Editor.log : https://gist.github.com/kartik-escavel/098fd0d4c29f06a5fdaa8c8045802dd5
Unity : 2019.1.4f1
Operation System : Mac OS Sierra
Here is the different things that i tried,
- Tried changing Api Compatibility Level to .NET 4.x and .NET Standard 2.0
- C++ Compiler Configuration : Build / Release / Master
- Target Architecture :
- I tried checking only ARMv7
- I tried checking only ARM64
- tried selecting both ARMv7 and ARM64
- I tried clicking x86 only
- I tried clicking all 3 of the architecture
- I tried changing Minimum API Level to API Level 25
If anyone can help me understand the error or able to help me in solving the error then it would be great. Thanks.