Can someone help me. I’ve been trying this for goddamn hours. I did all the coding no errors whats so ever. I press the space button. The player is not jumping. The player is moving when i press wsad. But jump, nah uh. Can someone help me. Please!. Im on 3D btw. I’m beginner please don’t be too harsh
Why did you tag this as 2D-Physics if it’s 3D physics? I’m confused.
I’ll change the tag for you.
Where is the void Jump being called from as here you have nothing calling it so nothing within the void is running. If thats the case then either replace Jump with Update or create a void update and call jump from it.
Yeap as @Snowflakk mentioned above replace Jump() with Update().
Also cant see place wher you grab reference to your Rigidbody. So maybe add [SerializedField] prior to variable declaration. And assign it in inspector. Or add some void Awake(), call rb = GetComponent…
Moreover hope you had some collider atached to this GameObject.