I tried to follow the GitHub - Unity-Technologies/com.unity.services.samples.matchplay: A Matchmaking with Multiplay Unity example project. Implements the Unity Matchmaking and Multiplay SDK to create an end to end matchmaking game experience. ReadMe to set up the MatchplaySample on Unity Game Service, however, I have run into issues where after two clients can successfully matchmade in to the same gaming session, when I restart the clients and Matchmake again, I got a “Matchmaking Error while Assigning a ticket, Check Console for more details” error, but there is no error messages on the console. The last message would just be the normal:
Polled Ticket: xxx-xxx-xxx Status: InProgress UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
According to com.unity.services.samples.matchplay/Assets/Scripts/Matchplay/Client/UI/MainMenuUI.cs at 62fdb1c2d7b4c7e778891193bc86d7fc1192ff69 · Unity-Technologies/com.unity.services.samples.matchplay · GitHub , that is because the Matchmaker is returning: MatchmakerPollingResult.MatchAssignmentError
When this happens, I either have to redeploy the server (by uploading new compiled files to the Build), or wait for a while (30+mins at least). Restarting the server via Unity Game Service dashboard would not do the trick.
I am at a lost on whether there is an issue with how I set up my Unity environment locally, the way I set up Unity Game Service, or is that a bug in the MatchplaySample (or that it does not support a second game).
Here are the configuration info that was not covered in the MatchplaySample Readme:
Dev OS: MacOS Monterey Apple M1 Pro
Unity version: 2021.3.8f1
Game Server Hosting:
Ubuntu (Server) 20.04 LTS
Fleet Scaling Setting:
Min available servers: 1
Max available servers: 1
only casual-queue is enabled
Maximum players on a ticket: 2
Pools: 1
Pool settings:
Timeout: 15 Seconds
Apart from those settings covered from the ReadMe, I follow these settings: Is there an updated version of the tutorial / README for the MatchPlaySample on Matchmaker setup?
EDIT: I am not using ParrelSync to run the game client, I run one from the Unity Editor by the Play button, and the other is a compiled client for Mac