Not able to 'Teleport' player - Unity3D Portal,Movement out of a portal in Unity3D

Hey, I’m relatively new to Unity, and I’ve been trying to create a portal for a project that I’m working on.
I followed a Brackeys Tutorial, and I’m pretty sure I’ve done everything right, except when I move through, the portal, the player just does a 180 spin and doesn’t get “teleported”. This problem has been annoying me for days, some help would be really appreciated.
Here’s the code:

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

For some reason Brackeys’s portals don’t work so look at sebastien Lague video on portals
URL :Coding Adventure: Portals - YouTube

Thanks @Hidden_walker23 :). The video seems to have worked :slight_smile:
I’m still not going to mark the question as solved though, because i want to know why it isn’t working. If anyone has an answer, I’d appreciate it if you could answer