Hi there,
@ in a network room, in my local set up, I have two PhotonView objects. 1) the local player, 2) the opponent.
My issue is this. At local player or opponent win, a message is sent across the network that as such. Since all PhotonView components are called at this time, on a local level I differentiate between the two via thisManager. If thisMananger is null, I know that it would only be null on the oppoenent, since on the network level it has no need for a thisManager, it is mererly a reflection.
But I digress, this works except for the fact that the local PhotonView, local player, is not notified and I am at a loss as to why.
public void roundOver(){
///if this has a manager, then it is the local player, else, the opponents network refleection
if(mananger == null){
///this is the opponents reflection.. do nothing....
///this is the local player..... as such, inform the local manager to proceed.
My issue is that the opponents, reflection is being called, but not the local player, despite the local player having a photonview and a manager.
Any ideas???
If the RPC is not being called locally on the client that does photonView.RPC(…), maybe you’re not using PhotonTargets.All in that call?
Not sure if I follow your explanation completely.
Irrelevant now… See below.
So here is the issue @tobiass , hopefully this makes sense. My whole circuit is working except when I terminate the round and a condition must be met, if(manager != null). The case of a null manager means the unit is a representation of an opponent, it’s “reflection” controlled remotely. It is not the local player.
The issue is, manager != null, then the function does not work as it should.
I have a method which I call across the network at termination of the round (ex. player x won level). This works and is called, however, it seems again, that the local player is not notified.
at level won by player x…
playerPhotonView.RPC("levelWon", PhotonTargets.All, new object[] {playerPhotonID};
… on each player…
void levelWon(int playerID){
if(playerID != thisPlayerID){
… the above works with one exception… any player without a mananger(manager == null, in other words, a clone, mirrored reflection of an oppoenent) will fire an error. So, as a quick fix…
HOWEVER now, this instance does not fire.