Not compatible with Android 14 issue and Play Asset Delivery Over 200 MB issue

Update your Maven deletion to a version compatible with Android 14. Our current library is not compatible with targetSdkVersion 34 (Android 14) which includes a backwards incompatible broadcast receiver change. Please remember that starting August 31, 2024, all new apps on Google Play must target Android 14. Update your library version to the latest version to avoid crashes. Your current library is not compatible with targetSdkVersion 34 (Android 14) which includes a backwards incompatible broadcast receiver change. and your aab file is over 200 mb, which is why I am using play asset delivery. My project currently contains: GooglePlayGamesPlugin-0.10.14.unitypackage GoogleMobileAds-v9.2.0.unitypackage Can anyone with information on this subject help me?

getting same error, any ways to solve this. even tried updating the PAD version in build.gradle

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What version of Unity are you using?

version 2022.3.12f1

I added additional files in project settings, I marked them with a tick mark, if you want I can remove them to solve the problem. I will add the picture of the things I added to the message. Also, I installed the versions of the Google Play Games Services package, Admob package and PAD package, namely Play Asset Delivery packages that I mentioned above, of course there are assets that I downloaded from the package manager in my project, if there are files in them, I don’t know very well what caused such a problem. If there is a place where you can tell me to be careful about this, I will check it. Normally I did not have a problem with uploading aab files larger than 200 MB. In fact, I was getting a build by ticking the Split Application Binary from the Buildings window without using the Build App Bundle button in Play Asset Delivery, and the Google Play Console was accepting it. But then the Google Play Console brought something called the Android 14 requirement. My target app was 34 anyway. I tried deleting the PAD or installing the latest one. He accepted it in one but at that time he wanted me to fix some errors before publishing it, which is as follows: Your advertising ID declaration in the Play Console indicates that your app uses advertising IDs. The manifest file in one of your active builds does not contain the permission. I even tried to edit a manifest file for this but it didn’t work.

1-) GooglePlayGamesPlugin-0.10.14.unitypackage

2-) GoogleMobileAds-v9.2.0.unitypackage


If I don’t need it, I can delete PAD but my app will definitely be more than 200 mb.

How can I get a build that complies with the policies of Google Play Console for a project that includes the three packages above for the aab file?

My Unity version 2022.3.12f1

The reason I use GooglePlayGamesPlugin-0.10.14.unitypackage is so that I can get the id token. Getting this in the latest version makes me work harder

string idToken = PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.GetIdToken();
and PlayGamesClientConfiguration config = new PlayGamesClientConfiguration.Builder()
.RequestIdToken() // We are requesting the ID token
