Not debugging wheni want it to.

i want it to work but this code doesn’t work, why?
here’s the code:

public int HEALTH=100;	
	static public int bulletDamage = 25;
	static public bool soldierLives=true; 
	//public GameObject clavicle;
	public GameObject soldier;

	void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other)
		if(other.gameObject.tag == "bullet")
			Debug.Log (HEALTH);
			HEALTH = HEALTH - bulletDamage;
			Debug.Log (HEALTH);

	void Update()

		if (HEALTH<=0)
			//clavicle.transform.parent = soldier.transform; 
			soldierLives = false;

the gameobject “bullet” is probably coming from somewhere else via an Instantiate of a prefab; in that case, it’s probably not named “bullet”, it’s probably named “bullet(Clone)” unless your instantiate renames it. Also verify you meet the conditions required for a Collision (see doc)