Not eighteen

I’m not yet eighteen and I’m about to finish a game that I would like to sell. But the problem is I can’t get something like a credit card because I’m not eighteen and thus I can’t find a place where I can sell my game. My question is does anyone know a site where I can sell my game without having a credit card or being eighteen. Like a site where they pay out through pay pal.

Btw. I live in the Netherlands


1: You don’t need credit card to sell game. You need bank account (IBAN for Europe). Nobody will ask you for Credit Card…

2: I don’t think you will have problems if you ask in some local bank to make a bank account on your name, doesn’t matter, that you don’t have 18.

3: There are other problems that might bother you at the moment… If you start making money, how would you pay taxes… Maybe you should make a company or sell as individual. Not sure what is the taxation law in your country. Why don’t you sell the game from the name of one of your parent, so they will pay taxes from their names…