Not enough space

Hey I’m new to unity I came to try it out since my friends suggested it but as I get the hub and license set up I get a not enough space error even though I have 800gb of space on my drive

Maybe your account doesn’t have sufficient permissions to write to the directory you’re installing to. Try running the Hub app as administrator and see if that changes things.

I believe the installer needs about 20Gb or so on your C: drive to download temporary files. You may be able to set your TEMP and TMP folders to a disk with more space.

didn’t work but ty

how would I move my temp files to another directory?

The location is set by the TEMP and TMP system variables on Windows, Google is your friend here. How much space do you have on C ? This was the first Google result for me Also WinDirStat is one of my favorite disk space utilities.

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tysm this worked fantastically for me.

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Speaking of C drive both Unity and it’s hub store files under %AppData% (Local, LocalLow, and Roaming) during normal usage and that can grow quite a bit so you will want to keep some space available. In my case they total just shy of 28 GB.

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