Using Unity as a library in the Android app and after I open it, the dialog is shown “Not enough storage space to install required resources”. Installing the same code from different computers and the result is different. From some computers, unity doesn’t give that error and everything works correctly but from some computers, unity gives that error. Deleted also Android Studio with all settings and installed again but no success. A friend used his computer and installed Android Studio first time and installing code from there, everything works correctly and no error. This is the mysticism, how the same code can give different results if using different computes.
We also facing the same issue when we used the exported unity scene as library on native android project. If anyone have solution, suggestion, please respond.
We are expecting the same problem, however, we have no idea what could cause it. Our builds are done in Jenkins via batchmode. Almost all of .apks do not have this issue, only a few of them.
We just solved a “not enough storage space to install required resources” by whitelisting “unityLibrary/src/main/assets/bin” folder (that default android studio .gitignore ignored). We were building on a Jenkins server and that folder was not being pushed from the machine we used to export the Unity project to the server.
Had the same problem and initially I enabled just arm7 (project settings) after I enabled armv64 too , the error was gone . The problem was on Galaxy A72 (from adb Failed to read assets/bin/Data/unity_app_guid )
I’m getting the same error too. In logcat, I see it says “11-17 16:24:30.138 V/Unity (8356): Failed to read assets/bin/Data/unity_app_guid”. I tried to delete the file from APK but still error