Not getting Firebase Push Notification payload data in iOS after plugin update

I’m using Firebase Cloud Messaging in my game. Using that, when a player challenges their friend, their friend will get a push notification from the back-end with extra payload data attached to it. In Android this is working fine. But in iOS, I’m getting the push notification but when the app is opened after clicking it, I’m not getting any payload data from the notification. I have noticed that the event:


is not fired in the game because I have added a log in the event listener which is not printed. What could be the reason?

This was working fine when I used Firebase v10.7.0. Now I have updated it to v11.4.0. I tried upgrading to v11.5.0 but still the issue persists. I’m using Unity 2020.3.39f1 and Xcode version is 14.2.