I’m running UDP 2.1.6 on unity 2019.4, set the target, the products, the store, and everything.
I open the game, the login screen shows asking to put the user name of the sandbox user (from the dashboard), and then I receive “Login Failed: wrong account/password”.
BUT the account when set in the scriptable object logs successfully and does the purchase, but the dashboard doesn’t recognize as SDK initialized and purchase completes when logging with the account set on the UDP Settings asset
Have anyone noticed something like that? where the accounts on the website/dashboard don’t work, but the accounts on the scriptable object works?
Please create a new sandbox account and save it, and then try using the new account to login. If it still doesn’t work for you, please contact Unity UDP Support.
found the problem, the holder of the publisher account was different from the holder of services account, so the client id got mixed, once we moved the publisher account to the same holder of the services account, it worked o/