Not possible to select a Company (with Asset Store Publisher) in the Asset Store for Purchasing

I’ve activated Order Request but no one in the company can actually request an asset. I think its because the payment options are empty. But I can’t add one. :grimacing:

Is this may be because we have a Asset Store Publisher Payout Profile?

Additional info’s

  • I’m having owner rights in the company.
  • I can add one on the default company.
  • I don’t have a company switch button

I yesterday created test organization and that now shows up but MindPort does not :grimacing:
I can buy assets for the company.
If I impersonate a user or moderator I can do a order request.

Is there anyone with an Publisher Account who can confirm or disprove that switching to such an Organization and buying Assets is not possible in the AssetStore?


I confirmed with some other publisher.
Companies with “… AS Publisher” can’t be used in the Asset Store. :roll_eyes: