Not receiving exp

Hi guys, i created a database in a webhost and exp in it but it is bit retrieving my information.Here’s my script.I get this error.
FormatException: Input string was not in the correct format System.Int32.Parse (System.String s) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono-runtime-and-classlibs/build/mcs/class/corlib/System/Int32.cs:629) InternetCalls+c__Iterator2.MoveNext () (at Assets/Scripts/Level/InternetCalls.cs:87)
Here’s my script

public class InternetCalls : MonoBehaviour {
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
	public void DoLogin(string User,string Pass)
		WWWForm www = new WWWForm ();
		www.AddField ("user", User);
		www.AddField ("password", Pass);
		WWW w = new WWW ("", www);
		StartCoroutine (Login(w, User));
		GetXp (User);
	public void DoRegister(string User,string Pass, string Name)
		WWWForm www = new WWWForm ();
		www.AddField ("user", User);
		www.AddField ("password", Pass);
		www.AddField ("name", Name);
		WWW w = new WWW ("", www);
		StartCoroutine (Reg(w));
	IEnumerator Reg (WWW w)
		yield return w;
		if(w.error == null)
			//PlayerPrefs.SetString("name", User);
			Debug.Log ("Working");
			Debug.Log (w.text.ToString());
	IEnumerator Login (WWW w, string User)
		yield return w;
		if(w.error == null)
			if(w.text == "login-SUCCESS")
				Debug.Log ("Working");
			Debug.Log ("Error:" + w.error.ToString());
	public void GetXp(string User)
		WWWForm www = new WWWForm ();
		www.AddField ("user", User);
		WWW w = new WWW ("",www);
		StartCoroutine (Xp (w));
		Debug.Log ("Got Exp");

	IEnumerator Xp(WWW w)
		yield return w;
		if(w.error == null)
			Debug.Log (w.text);
			Debug.Log ("Working Stats");
			int i;
			if (int.TryParse(w.text, out i))
				Debug.Log ("Getting xp Worked Stats");
				Debug.Log ("Get xp Worked Stats");
				Debug.Log("Parsing failed");

Eventhough i set my exp in database to 100000 it give me debugs me the length of 169.thanks

NOTE: Someone else formatted your code, you should do it for yourself in the future… so you know, people can read it.

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