Hello, how can I prevent from a same random number? thanks
You could store the used values in a list or array, then check against it before using the random value.
List<int> usedValues = new List<int>();
public int UniqueRandomInt(int min, int max)
int val = Random.Range(min, max);
val = Random.Range(min, max);
return val;
private static int lastRandomNumber;
public static int generateRandomNumber(int min, int max) {
int result = Random.Range(min, max);
if(result == lastRandomNumber) {
return generateRandomNumber(min, max);
lastRandomNumber = result;
return result;
Hope this helped you,
In order to never get twice the same value, you need to first store them and remove as you get them:
int [] array = new int[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6};
List<int>list = null;
void Start(){
int GetUniqueRandom(bool reloadEmptyList){
if(list.Count == 0 ){
return -1; // here is up to you
int rand = Random.Range(0, list.Count);
int value = list[rand];
return value;
var newRandomNummer : float;
var lastRandomNumber : float;
var min : float;
var max : float;
function MakeRandomNumber() {
newRandomNummer = Random.Range(min,max);
if(newRandomNummer != lastRandomNumber){
That could work.
you could use recursive functuion try this
float RandomNum(float lastRandNum)
float randNum = Random.Range(min, max);
if (randNum == lastRandNum)
return RandomNUm(randNum);
return randNum;
I created an extension for Lists that would make this task really simple:
* Shuffle the content of a list
public static List<T> _Shuffle<T>(this List<T> sourceList)
List<T> randomizedList = new List<T>();
List<T> copyList = sourceList.ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < sourceList.Count; i++)
int index = Random.Range(0, copyList.Count);
T randomValue = copyList[index];
return randomizedList;
Then just call it on your code
randomBlock = sequentialBlock._Shuffle();
Hope it helps
Hi, guys! Just want to let you know: I created utility to easely handle random without repetitions, flat distributed random, and weighted lists (universal property drawer included!). You can find it on GtiHub and use freely: