Not sure what the issue is

This code causes my player to teleport upward and then slowly fall back down when I hit the spacebar. I haven’t yet added movement to the left, but walking to the right works fine.

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
    public Rigidbody2D rb;
    public float jump;
    public float walk;
    public bool tf = false;
    public Vector3 d;
    public Vector3 space;
    public Vector3 a;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKey("d"))
            d = new Vector3(walk, 0, 0);
            d = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        if (Input.GetKeyDown("space"))
            tf = true;
            tf = false;

    void OnCollisionStay2D(Collision2D collisionInfo)
            if (tf == true)
            space = new Vector3(0, jump, 0);
            space = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        rb.velocity = d + space + a;


So…What is it you are trying to accomplish? You’re mentioning a problem, but I don’t really have a frame of context for it.

oh yeah, that’s probably a pretty important thing to include. I’m just setting up basic movement controls. What’s included in the code I posted is space to jump and d to move right

But jumping isn’t working right. Instead of giving me upwards velocity, it teleports me up a certain amount that is directly related to the value of jump, then I slowly fall down

Although on rare occasion it will give me a normal jump for some reason

I think it’s because your jump code produces either one of two outcomes: y velocity will be jump, or it will be 0. That’s gonna cause it to suddenly jump up and then suddenly stop in mid-air.

I don’t think you need the OnCollisionStay2D function. I would guess that you have that in order to tell when the player is on the ground, but IMO I think a raycast is better for that.

Maybe create a function called IsGrounded() that returns a bool depending on whether the player is on the ground (as determined by a raycast)

then, in Update(), check if IsGrounded() == true && Input.GetKeyDown(“space”), and if it is, call another function called Jump() which does rb.velocity = new Vector3(rb.velocity.x, jump, rb.velocity.z)

That should do the trick

If I run that, it doesn’t work because I don’t have a character controller attached, but it doesn’t allow me to add a character controller because I’m in 2D. Am I using the command wrong? This is my first time working with functions, so I’m a little in over my head

 public bool Grounded()
        if (controller.isGrounded)
            return true;
            Debug.Log("Not Grounded");
            return false;

and then I am calling the function in the update with this line


If controllers don’t work in 2D then I suppose you’ll have to use some kind of 2D raycast or 2D collider (probably raycast is better). Unity - Scripting API: Physics2D.Raycast