Hi, this is my first time writing here but I just don’t know what to do atp.
I’m making a game for a college project. It generates a map out of a pool of prefabs. Each instantiated prefab has a DungeonEntrance that has a special material that will change color depending on the difficulty. For this I have three scripts IntersectionManager (generates the map), DungeonEntrancePreset (a scriptable object that holds a color, and a difficulty), and DungeonEntrance (generates a difficulty, and based on it, takes the correct preset and loads it to the material). All of this works fine, but I want to take the difficulty generation from DungeonEntrance to IntersectionManager, and it just won’t load the preset for some reason.
1st image is the block of code in IntesrsectionManager that generates and assigns the difficulty to the street. Second is the DungeonEntrance code. Fourth is the DungeonEntrancePreset Scriptable Object code.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal;
using UnityEngine.Tilemaps;
namespace SystemMiami
public class DungeonEntrance : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private DungeonEntrancePreset[] _presets;
[SerializeField] private Material _material;
private DungeonEntrancePreset _currentPreset;
private void Awake()
_material = new Material(_material);
TilemapRenderer tilemapRenderer = GetComponent<TilemapRenderer>();
tilemapRenderer.material = _material;
public void SetDifficulty(DifficultyLevel difficulty)
foreach (DungeonEntrancePreset preset in _presets)
if (preset.Difficulty == difficulty)
Debug.Log($"Set Difficulty for {gameObject.name} to {difficulty}");
public void LoadPreset(DungeonEntrancePreset preset)
_currentPreset = preset;
public void ApplyPreset()
_material.SetColor("_Color", _currentPreset.DoorOffColor);
public void TurnOnDungeonColor()
if (_currentPreset == null)
Debug.LogError("No preset loaded");
_material.SetColor("_Color", _currentPreset.DoorOnColor);
Debug.Log("Applying color!");
public void TurnOffDungeonColor()
_material.SetColor("_Color", _currentPreset.DoorOffColor);
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Tilemaps;
namespace SystemMiami
public enum DifficultyLevel { EASY, MEDIUM, HARD }
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "New Dungeon Entrance Preset", menuName = "Eviron/Dungeon Entrance Preset")]
public class DungeonEntrancePreset : ScriptableObject
[SerializeField] private DifficultyLevel _difficulty;
//Color for the door states
[SerializeField] private Color _doorOffColor = Color.black;
[ColorUsage(true, true)]
[SerializeField] Color _doorOnColor;
public DifficultyLevel Difficulty => _difficulty;
public Color DoorOffColor => _doorOffColor;
public Color DoorOnColor => _doorOnColor;