Nothing working? Please Help!

I was working on my unity project and I don’t know what caused this. I can’t move my player and no scripts are working but it doesn’t give me any errors? Can someone please help because I have been working on this project for a long time and I don;t know what to do. Does anyone know why this happened?

Ok, from what you’ve described to me I see 2 things possible:

First of all, in each script’s Update() put Debug.Log(“script name goest here” + “working!”);

if those messages show up, then the problem is inside of script, since they themselves are being picked up

  1. check in the Edit → project settings → input. Check if the buttons are the right ones

  2. if script’s debugs don’t show, check if the scripts are assigned to the gameObjects in the scene

Also, if debugs do work, check the script that controls the player and see if there is any line of code you could have copy-pasted in by accident