Noticed an undocumented feature regarding version control

Hey guys,

If anyone else has been wondering where and when changes to an assets addressable metadata happen for version control reasons, I’ve got a bit of helpful advice that doesn’t seem to appear anywhere in the documentation.

As an example, if you make a non-addressable asset addressable and move it into an asset group, no changes will be detected in the project file system. This is really confusing from a version control point of view because you would expect some kind of metadata change. This does happen and it happens in the respective .asset AssetGroup files.


You have to literally save (ctrl + s) as though you are saving a scene before any of these changes are committed to file. You can make hundreds of asset group changes and have nothing to commit to source control technically, which is horrendously confusing at first.

It would be of immense value if these changes were immediately reflected on file rather than waiting for an arbitrary scene save.

I think it is Unity’s default behaviour. See project-wide changes chapter in above link.


Ah that makes sense, because Addressables uses ScriptableObjects. I found that annoying, too. I’ve gotten into the habit of always save project before git commit.

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It’ll most likely happen for most people incidentally, since saving is basically a nervous tic at this point. Nonetheless, important thing to realise at first. I was dragging assets between groups and comparing with source control for a good ten minutes before figuring out exactly what was making the files change.