Hi all,
Unity has been hard at work over the last many months creating a version of the Editor that runs natively on macOS hardware using Apple silicon. We’re happy to announce that we have a preview available for early adopters!
The preview is based on recent 2021.2 builds. We appreciate and encourage feedback from our community, including beta testers, plugin authors and package authors. Please send us your questions and make good use of the Editor’s bug reporting feature. You can log bugs right in the Editor by selecting the “Help” menu, then selecting “Report a Bug”.
The Apple silicon Editor at this time can only be installed via standalone installers. Direct download links will be listed in this thread for each update. Additionally, for each release we will share a list of known issues.
We really appreciate our community and the passion of our users. We look forward to releasing a version of the Apple silicon Editor in the near future once we’ve resolved some remaining issues and feature gaps.
Thank you for your support! The first build will be published soon.
- The Unity Desktop Team
-------- Installation Instructions --------
Update: Please be aware that Rosetta is currently required. The Unity Editor process is fully native, but some auxiliary processes are still x86_64-based and require Rosetta to launch.
You can download Apple silicon editor from Unity 2021.2 beta page:
Once you’ve downloaded the Unity Editor package and any desired target support packages, you’ll see icons like this for each download:
The first package you install should be Unity.pkg. This installs the Editor. Once Unity.pkg is installed, you can install any other desired target support packages you downloaded previously.
You can install a package by double-clicking on the package icon. It’s possible that macOS may not be able to verify the package. If you see a dialog like the one below, you will need to override the verification check.
To override the verification check, context-click (right-click) the package and select “Open”.The verifier will run again, and now it will produce the same dialog as before, but with another option to open it:
Click the Open button and you should now be able to install Unity. The recommended install location is /Applications/Unity/
The best way to activate your license is to install the Unity Hub and activate the license there.
Unity Hub
Starting with Unity Hub version 3, you can use the Hub to install Apple silicon builds. Make sure you select the release with the “Apple silicon” tag, not “Intel”!