I’ve been using unity for a while now and I have been trying to do npc(non player character) interaction with dialogue and triggering and effect. I’ve looked online for help, but i haven’t found anything that worked yet. Can someone who has done this before please tell me how to:
A:Trigger NPC dialogue.
B: Have it trigger an effect.
I mean, if I literally just google for unity npc dialog interaction, I get tons of videos and links.
Maybe start there and try one of the approaches, and then ask specific questions about what isn’t working? Keep in mind that you’ve provided almost no information on what you’ve tried, or how your game is set up, so I don’t know how easy it would be to give you specific help to this.
i have tried multiple times on google to find what i need but no matter what i find nothing works, but i’
ll take a look anyway.
You’ll want to learn to be more specific. Saying things like “nothing works” doesn’t describe your problem in a way that people can help you. State specifically what doesn’t work. State specifically what you’re trying to do, what you’ve tried, and what doesn’t work about what you’ve tried. Asking extremely general questions might give you a general answer, but it sounds like you’ve tried some general things, and now you need to focus on getting one specific thing working.
If something isn’t work, post the code that isn’t working so others can help point you in the right direction.