NSIS Error

Trying to download/install Unity. I am getting a NSIS Error.

Things I have tried:

  • Downloading in different browsers(Chrome, FF, Opera)
  • Turning off Windows Firewall when downloading
  • Running in the command line %PATHTOFILE% /NCRC

None of that worked.
Eventually created a Windows 7 VM and tried downloading again.
Same results, tried above troubleshooting in the VM.

1.Open cmd
2.Drag your unity installer into the cmd
3. press space and type /NCRC
4.Press Enter

Problem solved. I gave up on my computer. Ended up getting on a laptop and downloading it. Moved the file to my computer and was able to install. Obliviously a problem with my computer. Hopefully no issues running the program.

Okay. I know this forum is kind of old but I want to save people some time. I found many sites to say "Open in CMD /NCRC, if that works, great! If not the download might actually be corrupted. I downloaded numerous times on Chrome. I download on the dreaded Internet Explorer and “boom” works like a charm. Hope it helps some people who are struggling…