Null Reference Error With Scriptable Objects

Custom Scriptable Object

 public class GameDataScriptableObject<T>: ScriptableObject,ICSVReader where T : class
    public T[] mData;
    public T GetFromId(uint ID)
    for (int i = 0; i < mData.Length; ++i)
    var data = mData as IReturnID;
    if (data.GetID() == ID)
    return mData;
    return default(T);
    public GameDataScriptableObject()
    public GameDataScriptableObject(T obj)
    public void ParseCSV(string data)
    var engine = new FileHelperEngine<T>();
    mData = engine.ReadString(data);

public interface ICSVReader
    void ParseCSV(string data);

Helper Function

 public static UnityEngine.Object CreateAsset<T>(string assetFileName) where T : ScriptableObject
        var scriptableObject = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<T>();
        TextAsset csvAsset = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<TextAsset>(TextAssetDataLocation + assetFileName + InputAssetFileExtension);
if (scriptableObject == null)
        var parser = scriptableObject as ICSVReader;
        UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(scriptableObject, AssetDataBaseLocation + assetFileName + AssetFileExtension);
        return scriptableObject;

i have written a helper function to create an ScriptableObject from a csv file
My problem is…
whenever i call

CreateAsset<GameDataScriptableObject<EachSkill>>("EnemyData"); // EnemyData is the name of the text file and eachskill is a data structure

i get an error !!!
here “parser.ParseCSV(csvAsset.text);” - > Debug Prints “NULL” which means ScriptableObject.CreateInstance failed…
how ever if i have a class like this

public class EnemyData : GameDataScriptableObject<EachSkill>

and if i call the same function again like this

CreateAsset<EnemyData >("EnemyData");

It Works Perfectly!!!

What am i doing wrong here?
and why is the code behaving like this.?
Any sort of help would be really helpful!

ScriptableObjects have the same restriction as MonoBehaviour classes. They must be non generic and each class need to be placed in a file where the file name matches the classname. Otherwise the serialization system in the editor doesn’t work.

So you have to create concrete non-generic subclasses for each of your cases.