Null Reference Exception for an "object" I don't have.

Hi, I’m getting an Null reference exception for a… tile palette… related… something? I’m really not sure. What I do know is I cannot find C:/buildslave, or UnityEngine.Object anywhere on my computer (I have hidden items visible). Also when I click on the error it brings up four fields in the Inspector, none of which I have figured out how to use to help rid myself of this error. The field are :

  1. Persistent View Data [none(SerializableJsonDictonary)]
  2. Preview Resizer (this has a dropdown of many things)
  3. Palette [Missing (Game Object)]
  4. Target [None (Game Object)]

Here is the error:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
UnityEditor.GridPaintingState.UnregisterPainterInterest (UnityEngine.Object painter) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/TilemapEditor/Editor/Managed/Grid/GridPaintingState.cs:197)
UnityEditor.GridPaintPaletteWindow.OnDisable () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/TilemapEditor/Editor/Managed/Grid/GridPaintPaletteWindow.cs:565)

Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

Apparently this just happens sometimes. Still haven not found a fix, but the error has disappeared since unity 2019 versions started rolling out.